
I took lots of photos, you can see them here in the gallaries below. I would like to say thank you for the brilliant day out, and congratulations for reaching 50 years! Enjoy the pictures!

Please sign the guestbook (link at the top of each page) if you were at the party, or the wedding.

If you would like to have you pictures put up here (with credits), or a copy of a photo for yourself, please email me (the webmaster link at the bottom of each page)

To view an enlarged version of each image, please click on the thumbnail. When it has expanded, you will be able to move to the next or previous image by clicking on the left or right side of the picture. You can also do this by pressing 'N' or 'P' on your keyboard (for Next and Previous). To get out of the full-screen mode, click the close button at the bottom of the picture.
